Television Review | The Acolyte
The Fauci of Star Wars TV. There's clearly been a lot of effort put towards making something great. But it isn't great, not least because it isn't really complete. I don't think the show deserves scorn so much as it deserves pity; I wish that it had achieved its potential. 5/10
Television Review | Tales of the Empire
I think most viewers would be content with what they get from watching Tales of the Empire; moreso than in Tales of the Jedi, the stories told here match their running time, with neither too much being tackled nor too little being told. 7/10
Book Review | The Black Fleet Crisis
The Black Fleet Crisis is a hidden gem of '90s Star Wars. It delivers a thought-provoking narrative while staying true to Star Wars themes. Lando's scenes are some of the best writing of the character, though they should have been their own book. 8/10, 7/10, 8/10
Book Review: The Callista Trilogy
The Callista trilogy's reputation as among the worst Star Wars has to offer is grossly exaggerated, but it's not a masterpiece either. Planet of Twilight was the best entry by some margin. The story of Callista on-the-page is as tragic as her story behind-the-scenes. 6/10, 6/10. 8/10
Book Review | The Book of Eels & Eels: An Exploration
The Book of Eels was written (in Swedish) by first-time author Patrik Svensson, and translated into English by Agnes Broome.
Book Review | The Darth Bane Trilogy
The Darth Bane Trilogy is an essential read for anyone curious about the history of the Sith. The first book is the weakest and the second is the strongest. Karpyshyn did admirably in writing three books worth of story focused on an unrepentant villain. 6/10, 8/10, 7/10
Television Review | Ahsoka, Season 1
Well done, but felt truncated, ending just as things felt like they were getting going. Leaving viewers wanting more is great, but leaving them feeling like they got a complete story is also important. What's there, though, is great. 8/10
Book Review | Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade
This book is a well-written, well-conceived character study of a person falling to the Dark Side that manages to differentiate itself from the familiar story of the fall of Anakin Skywalker. It's the best villain-perspective book I've read besides Thrawn. The ending is weaker than the rest. 8/10
Book Review | Yoda: Dark Rendezvous
Yoda: Dark Rendezvous is not the best Star Wars book I've read but it deserves better than to be lost in the pile of mid-2000s Prequel tie-ins. While the story isn't the most thrilling or meaningful, the character work really is excellent.
Film Review | The Big Year
The Big Year is a very sincere look at the world of competitive birding that lets its humor come from the actual funny things that happen to birders. It's a nice little movie that deserves more love than it's gotten. 8/10
Television Review | The Mandalorian (Season 3)
Season 3 is a marked technical and writing improvement over previous seasons. It isn't flawless, but the flaws aren't so persistent or egregious as to spoil the viewing experience. It feels like it could have been longer, and that the first episodes were transplanted into a different show.
Book Review | Star Wars: Shadow of the Sith
Author: Adam Christopher
Publisher: Del-Rey
Length: 465 pages
EE Critic Score: 7/10
Shadow of the Sith, by Adam Christopher,
Television Review | Andor (Season 1)
I don't want every future Star Wars show to be like Andor, but I do want every future Star Wars show to have the same level of effort for excellence that Andor had. Andor is the present high water mark for Star Wars television, arguably for Star Wars generally, so I award the first season 10/10
Television Review | Tales of the Jedi
An enjoyable watch that will go over well with fans of The Clone Wars. Makes me want an entire Dooku series more than ever. The show itself is just okay, seeming like streaming catalog filler. 6/10
Television Review | Obi-Wan Kenobi
This show is sort of a reverse Solo, a television series that should have been a movie. If you’ve avoided the show due to bad word-of-mouth, I’d say give it a watch, expecting something a little small-scale but which builds every episode toward a satisfying finale. 7/10